Water Pollution Problem

Scum from the discharge pipes of a nearby wood pulp plant pollutes the waters of a fishing port in Washington State
Water Pollution Problem

What do the human body and the planet earth have in common?

Water. If the human body has about two-thirds water, our planet has about 70% of it, which establishes the fact that water constitutes a major portion in both body masses. And that is what’s alarming.

If 70% of the earth’s surface is made up of water, then humankind should have been very wary of anything that would pollute this major portion of the planet. Alas, the human race has done otherwise. Water pollution is now a global problem.

Today, water pollution is rampant and the chief source of water pollution is the human race. We are the very ones that need water most and, yet, we have polluted it, even to the brink of extinction.

There are many types of water pollutants but these can be segregated into four classifications: natural, agricultural, municipal and industrial pollutants.

Natural water pollutants could include all the natural phenomena that happen from time to time such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes that cause major upheavals in the ocean floor and storms that cause flash floods. Even global warming could be qualified as a cause of water pollution.

Agricultural pollution consists mainly of poultry and other agricultural animal wastes that are carelessly thrown off to bodies of water near farms. It could also be the fertilizers or pesticides that are used to make better crops, which erode into lakes, rivers or streams.

Under the threat of industrial pollution
Under the threat of industrial pollution

Municipal wastes are those that come from residential areas. This is the liquid waste that households throw into bodies of water. Industrial pollution consists of all the wastes that major industrial firms chuck into the waters.

The last classification is Industrial waste that could include contaminants that are hard to take off from the waters once they spread - petroleum from oil spills or nuclear wastes. It is the most severe and most rampant among the three - and also the one that has caused the most damage.

The bodies of water in the world are in catastrophic danger, what with all the industries in the world today, plus our individual wastes all put together! No wonder mankind now drinks from bottles instead of just scooping water from running streams.

The effects of water pollution to humanity is staggering. But we should also consider all the other life forms that suffer - the fishes and other animals such as birds, and plants. And what happens when humans eat the very fishes that live in polluted waters?

Municipal waste floating on the water
Municipal waste floating on the water

But where there is life, there is hope. There is something that we can do - you can do - to save the only planet that we have. You could be an advocate, in your own simple way, of retrieving the lost beauty of oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. Here is a list that might get you to consider in fighting water pollution:
  1. Primarily, you should prevent water pollution.
    Just like an illness, it is much simpler to prevent its occurrence rather than to cure. Begin at your own home. Make sure that you conserve water. You can never imagine the water shortages that happen all over the globe. So if you have a constant supply of water at home, use it wisely.
  2. Plant trees (if circumstance would allow you).
    Having more trees or plants in your yard would prevent pollutants from flowing freely into nearby bodies of water. Since they keep the soil from eroding, water pollution or, at least, the quality of the water is improved.
  3. Do not throw any form of garbage into any body of water.
    Sign up for any organization that aims in cleaning up beaches (or lakes, or streams). Be an active member of such organizations.
  4. Never throw water pollutants down your sink or toilet bowl.
    Make sure to dispose waste water properly. Think of the many septic tanks that contribute to water pollution.

Although water pollution is an extensive problem, bridling it is still possible. And everything begins with each and every individual in each and every home.

Acid Rain Effects

Acid rains are the result of air pollution
Acid rains are the result of air pollution

The term 'acid rain' is commonly used to mean the deposition of acid component in rain, snow, fog, dew, or dry particles. They are the result of air pollution. When any type of fuel is burnt, lots of different chemicals are produced.

The smoke that comes from a fire or the fumes that come out of a car exhaust don't just contain the sooty grey particles that you can see - they also contains lots of invisible gases.

Some of these gases (especially nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide) react with the tiny droplets of water in clouds to form sulphuric and nitric acids. The rain from these clouds then falls as very weak acid - which is why it is known as "acid rain".

Acid rain has an adverse effect on forest, freshwater and soil, killing off insects and aquatic life forms as well as causing damage to building and having possible impact on human health.

It is thought that acid rain can cause tree to grow more slowly or even to die. As it falls on a forest it trickles through the leaves of the trees and run down into the soil below. Some of it find its way into streams and then on into the river and lakes, thus effecting its creatures.

Acid rain effects on trees
Acid rain effects on trees

On other hand acid rain can affect trees by dissolving and washing way the nutrients and minerals in the soil which help in their growth. It is one of the major causes of the release of harmful substances such as aluminum into the soil. Somewhere, acid rain wear away the waxy protective coating of leaves, damaging them and preventing them from being able to photosynthesize properly.

On lakes and river water, acid rain has a diverse effect. Both the lower Ph and higher aluminum concentration in the surface water that occur as a result of the acid rain can cause damage to fish and other aquatic animals. At pHs lower than 5 most fish eggs will not hatch and lower pHs can kill adult fish. As lakes become more acidic biodiversity is reduced. Acid rain has eliminated insect life and some fish species.

Soil biology can also be seriously damaged by acid rain. Some tropical microbes can quickly consume acids but other microbes are unable to tolerate low pHs and are killed. The hydronium ions of acid rain also mobilize toxins and leach away essential nutrients and minerals of the soil.

The effects of acid rain can last for generations, as the effects of pH level change can stimulate the continued leaching of undesirable chemicals into otherwise pristine water sources, killing off vulnerable insect and fish species and blocking efforts to restore native life.

Historical statue washed by acid rain
Historical statue washed by acid rain

On human health, acid rain have been shown to cause illness and premature deaths. Acid rain can also cause damage to certain building materials and historical monuments. Acid rain can cause weathering on ancient and valuable statues and has caused considerable damage.

This is because the sulfuric acid in the rain chemically reacts with the calcium compounds in the stones (limestone, sandstone, marble and granite) to create gypsum, which then flakes off.

This is also commonly seen on old gravestones where the acid rain can cause the inscription to become completely illegible. Acid rain also causes an increased rate of oxidation for iron. Visibility is also reduced by sulfate and nitrate in the atmosphere.

Deforestation Effects

Deforestation Effects
Deforestation effects, so sad ...

Deforestation is a serious concept, there are also serious effects to the surroundings. Deforestation is the process of converting forested lands into non-forest sites that are ideal for crop raising, urbanization and industrialization.

Because deforestation basically involves killing trees in forests, there are so many effects that can be enumerated as results of the activity. Effects of deforestation can be classified and grouped into effects to biodiversity, environment and social settings.

When forests are cuted down, nature basically requires people to renew the forest.  Reforestation is proven to be a much harder effort than deforestation. It is one concept that is in the opposite direction as deforestation.

So the rate of deforestation has not been offset by the rate of reforestation. Thus, the world is now in a troubled state when it comes to issues concerning the environment.

Pollution is rapidly growing along with population. Forests are greatly helping reduce the amount of pollutants in the air. So, the depletion of these groups of trees is greatly increasing the risk that carbon monoxide would reach the atmosphere and result in the depletion of the ozone layer, which in turn results to global warming.

Environment change

One major effect of deforestation is climate change. Changes to the surroundings done by deforestation work in many ways. One, there is abrupt change in temperatures in the nearby areas. Forests naturally cool down because they help retain moisture in the air.

After deforestation
After deforestation

Second is the long process of global climate change. As mentioned above, deforestation has been found to contribute to global warming or that process when climates around the world become warmer as more harmful rays of the sun comes in through the atmosphere.

The ozone layer is a mass of oxygen or O3 atoms that serves as shield in the atmosphere against the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. Because ozone is made up of oxygen atoms, oxygen react with carbon monoxide. Such reaction would use up oxygen atoms.

It follows that when there are more carbon monoxide atoms going to the atmosphere, the volume of oxygen would decline. Such is the case of ozone depletion.

The third effect to the environment would be on the water table underneath the ground. Water table is the common source of natural drinking water by people living around forests.

Water table is replenishing. That means, the supply of water underground could also dry up if not replenished regularly. When there is rain, forests hold much of the rainfall to the soil through their roots.

Thus, water sinks in deeper to the ground, and eventually replenishing the supply of water in the water table. Now, imagine what happens when there is not enough forests anymore. Water from rain would simply flow through the soil surface and not be retained by the soil.

Or other than that, the water from rain would not stay in the soil longer, for the process of evaporation would immediately set in. Thus, the water table is not replenished, leading to drying up of wells.

Effect to biodiversity

A lot of woods
A lot of woods

Forests are natural habitats to many types of animals and organisms. That is why, when there is deforestation, many animals are left without shelters. Those that manage to go through the flat lands and residential sites are then killed by people.

Through the years, it is estimated that there are millions of plant and extinct animal species that have been wiped out because they have been deprived of home. Thus, biodiversity is significantly lowered because of the savage deforestation practices of some people.

Wildlife advocates have been constantly reminding that several wild animals left in the world could still be saved if deforested forests would only be reforested and the practice of slash and burn of forests would be totally abandoned.

Social effects of deforestation

Deforestation is hardly hitting the living conditions of indigenous people who consider forests as their primary habitats. Imagine how they are rendered homeless when forests are depleted. These natives would be forced to live elsewhere, and are usually left to becoming mendicants in rural and urban areas.

Overall, effects of deforestation cannot be offset by the contribution of the practice to development. While it is logical that progress is very much needed by mankind, it must also be noted that nature knows no defeat. Destruct it and it would certainly retaliate, one way or another.

The Fact About Recycle

A lot of garbage to recycle
A lot of garbage to recycle

When it comes to recycling doing a little can help a lot. As limited resources become more limited, and as the impact of waste places a bigger burden on the environment, the time for action is now. While the actions of one may not be enough to correct all the problems the world faces, the role of the individual should not be underrated in the journey towards a cleaner, more efficient, future.

Did you know?

One recycled tin could offset the environmental impact of 3 hours of watching television. On a daily basis, if you watch 3 hours of TV per day, you could simply recycle any tins that you consume during the day and sit back watching the TV safe in the knowledge that your not contributing negatively to the environment.

Recycled Paper uses 70% less energy to produce. The next time you pick up paper, why not consider opting for a recycled sheet? If your a business you may find that your customers may treat this as a positive signal – if you care for the environment then your more likely to care for them as a customer.

16% of energy consumption in manufacture goes into the packaging. Maybe you don't judge a book by its cover, or the products your want to buy based on the packaging, but you may be surprised to find that the investment businesses make in packaging comes at a price – to the environment.

9 out of 10 people think recycling is too hard. If recycling was made easier then 9 out of 10 people would be more likely to do it. If your an employer then why not consider providing your employees with the tools they need to make recycling possible and effortless? Even if you don't own a business what's stopping you from going out and helping your neighbours to recycle.

Cans stored in warehouse before recycle
Cans stored in warehouse before recycle

Teach A Man How to Fish...

If your recycling then your doing your bit and ensuring that your contribution towards the environment is a positive one. In short your an asset to the environment and your input will be appreciated by your grandchildren in years to come. However, imagine how much more impact you could have if you managed to get others to do the same as you.

That's right, rather than just doing your bit why not get others to follow suit? You could get your family and friends to do the same thing, and then get them to get their friends to recycle and so on. In doing so the impact of your actions could multiply exponentially.

Transporting to recycle plant
Transporting to recycle plant

If you ensure that you do your bit, and do your best to get others on board then the problem of environment change could well be one that has less ramifications than it looks like it might if things continue as they are now. Make sure that you can say you've done your bit, and that you get as much people as you can on board.

Solar Energy Basic Facts

Solar energy consists of the light and heat which is emitted by the sun as electromagnetic radiation.

We are able to capture this electromagnetic radiation and turn it into usable forms of solar energy, such as heating or electricity, with the help of today's technology.

Although one could go into technical dissertations on the subject of electromagnetic radiation, how it is converted into solar energy, and the exact qualities of its electromagnetic rays, this is not something the average person needs or wants to know.

But in order to be able to benefit from the use of solar energy, there are a few facts you should know. Knowing these facts can assist you to make sound decisions, when looking at the use of solar power as a clean energy source for your home, RV, or whatever the case may be.

Solar Energy Environmental Facts

All life on earth is dependent upon solar energy. Even the lowest life forms, such as plankton and microbes, need solar energy (in the form of sunlight) in order to survive.

Solar energy is completely environmental friendly, producing absolutely no carbon emissions or other harmful byproducts whatsoever.

Harvesting solar energy
Harvesting solar energy

Solar energy can be used successfully and cost-effectively just about anywhere on the planet. You do not need to live in a tropical or desert climate in order to benefit from the use of solar energy. Solar power has been used successfully in many cold climates and even in the polar regions.

Currently, the cheapest and most effective way of using solar energy in your home is through the use of solar water heating systems. In fact, solar water heating systems have been commercially available in the United States for over a 100 years.

Solar energy can be used for heating homes effectively in cold climates, as well as in warm climates. In fact, solar heating has been in use many cold-climate northern European countries for several decades now.

Solar energy technology has advanced to the point where it can be now be a viable and cost-effective replacement for regular grid-electricity.

Solar energy is rapidly increasing in popularity - so much so that the demand for solar-powered gadgets is currently greater than the supply.

Solar Energy Usage

Solar energy can be used to provide electricity, heating and hot water for homes.

Solar energy can also be used to heat swimming pools. In fact, many pools in Scandinavia and Europe are heated with solar energy.

Solar power plant
Solar power plant

Solar Energy can be used to power vehicles, such as solar powered cars, and even a solar powered airplanes. NASA has successfully designed, built, and tested an airplane which is powered wholly by solar energy.

A few examples are: solar battery chargers, solar flashlights, solar calculators, solar radios, solar-powered attic fans, solar power backpacks (to recharge batteries for small devices), hybrid solar chargers (for cell phones, satellite phones, and more), solar-powered garden lights ... and much, much more.

Cute Tiger from India

cute tiger from india
These cute tiger from India, also known as Royal Bengal tigers, are mostly live in forests or grasslands. This helps these cute tigers to hide and find preys. These tigers are strong swimmers and swift in movements.

Majority of the tigers have orange coats, a fair medial and stripes that vary from brown or hay to pure black. Most of the tigers have more than hundred stripes.

These tigers are simply gorgeous and attract a wide range of wildlife tourists India from different global destinations for tiger safari.